There are more than 3 million education support staff in our nation’s school systems. And there is a place in our union for every single one of them.
We’re honored to include as valued members of MAE Mississippi bus drivers, cafeteria workers, nurses, custodians, and security guards who keep everything running smoothly in our schools. We do everything we can to support them throughout their careers.
Join MAE Today
Benefits and Salaries
We strive to increase benefits and make salaries more competitive for education support staffs. We work with our friends in elected and appointed positions to ensure that members have the resources needed to provide a high quality education to our children. Click here to read about some of our accomplishments throughout the years.
Advocacy and Protection
MAE plays an active role in fighting for the best possible conditions for all Mississippi students and members. You benefit from our legislative influence and constant, professional involvement on state and local levels, as well as our advocacy.
We also provide expert legal representation and a $1 million personal liability policy that protects members against the unlikely and unfortunate possibilities of lawsuits.
The cornerstone of the MAE’s member representation system is the UniServ (Unified Services) program — a statewide staffing network that provides professional consultants to serve members in each of our geographic locations. UniServ Directors offer on-site services including grievance representation, school and teacher advocacy, political action and communications assistance. UniServ Directors represent members at school district meetings and before boards of education. They also provide valuable guidance on professional development issues.
The right to vote, and to persuade others to vote in accordance with common principles and values, is a fundamental tenet of American democracy. The MAE/NEA Government Relations program helps the Association, local affiliates, and individual members become active in the political arena.
By recruiting pro-public education candidates, recommending and helping pro-public education candidates to win elections, and lobbying public officials, we influence the decisions made by elected and appointed officials and help our students realize a better tomorrow. By becoming politically active, we help shape our own futures as well. Our salaries and health insurance benefits, retirement, working conditions, and our students’ learning conditions are determined by people who are either elected or appointed to public office.
Professional Development

MAE partners with the NEA ESP Learning Network to provide valuable professional development opportunities tailored for Education Support Professionals across Mississippi. Explore courses designed to support your growth as a practitioner and leader. Many sessions are free for members. Visit the NEA ESP Learning Network to join.
Paraprofessionals and Education Support Staff Bill of Rights
Education Support Professionals work in nine career fields:
- Clerical service
- Custodial and maintenance service
- Food service
- Health and student service
- Paraeducators
- Security service
- Skilled trade
- Technical service
- Transportation service
They need the resources and tools to work with teachers on promoting student achievement, keeping students safe, and cultivating a positive school climate that makes learning and growth possible.
ESP Spotlight
Meet Kathleen Parker, a dedicated Education Support Professional (ESP) in George County, with 17 years of inspiring first graders! Read Kathleen's interview with MAE.

ESP Resources

ESPs: Supporting Our Own Through Peer Mentoring Workshop

Take Action

ESP of the Year Award
Learn More