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Creating Inclusive Workplaces

MAE honors and supports the full spectrum of humanity, and we fight to ensure that every public school workplace in Mississippi welcomes and reflects the full diversity of the people who teach, work, and learn there.

Educators, education teams, and school support staff should reflect their student and community populations. MAE works diligently to bring the issue of inclusiveness in our public schools to the forefront of public awareness, and to help create the policies necessary to ensure every student feels safe and welcomed in their schools. 

Responding to discrimination in the workplace

Employees should take action to protect their rights in the workplace. It may help curb offending behavior, and is important should you need to take more significant, legal action. Here are our  recommended steps on how to respond to discrimination in the workplace.

  • Talk to the offender: You are not obligated to take this step, but it may be the best way to get the behavior to stop. Should you need to pursue legal action, proving the behavior was unwanted is important. 
  • Document the behavior: Keep records of what is happening. Include the time, place, witnesses, and circumstances of each incident. Make sure to do the same for any related meetings with management or human resources personnel as well. 
  • Report: Find out the proper procedures for reporting discrimination or harassment, and follow that process. 
  • Contact your local union: We can help you map out a course of action and take the appropriate steps to find resolution for the discrimination or harassment. 

If you need to take legal action

Members get access to the best team of education law experts in Mississippi. Legal counsel may be able to provide advice and guidance on how to best handle the acts of discrimination against you. Please contact us if you believe you need to take legal action. Our lawyers specialize in workplace discrimination, and will be able to evaluate your case based on your specific circumstances, and keep you abreast of deadlines.

Retaliation for asserting your rights

You cannot be retaliated against for exercising your rights to a discrimination-free workplace. Retaliatory acts include any negative job action — demotion, discipline, firing, salary reduction, or job or shift reassignment. 

Asserting your rights include: 

  • Inquiring about legal rights under employment law or employer policy 
  • Reporting or complaining about discrimination or harassment
  • Assisting in a complaint investigation
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Advocating strong public schools for every student and every public school employee

Mississippi Association of Educators (MAE) represents thousands of Mississippians—educators, students, activists, workers, parents, neighbors, friends—who believe in opportunity for all students and in the power of public education to transform lives and create a more just and inclusive society.