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The Mississippi Association of Educators is recognized as the most powerful voice for education in Mississippi. We didn’t get there by accident.

The Mississippi Association of Educators is recognized as the most powerful voice for education in Mississippi. We didn’t get there by accident. It has taken hard work, cooperation, flexibility, and determination to have our voices heard for constructive change. We believe that Stronger Schools equal a Stronger Mississippi. Our time to secure those schools is now. We have utilized all available means to organize and be heard including phone calls, texts, petitions, and showing up at the Capitol in person. We know that by presenting a united front to leadership while supporting their efforts to help, we can win even more victories for the education community and all of Mississippi.

Currently, our efforts are focused on

Jackson’s Safe Water Campaign

ART School Investment Campaign

Advocacy for an Excellent State Superintendent

President Jones pc
President Erica Jones hosted a press conference outside the MDE meeting on curriculum change.
Mississippi Association of Educators logo

Advocating strong public schools for every student and every public school employee

Mississippi Association of Educators (MAE) represents thousands of Mississippians—educators, students, activists, workers, parents, neighbors, friends—who believe in opportunity for all students and in the power of public education to transform lives and create a more just and inclusive society.