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MAE News

Empowering Educators: MAE's Early Career Educator Cohort Is On The Move

Our program is a comprehensive initiative designed specifically for MAE early career educators. In a career field where challenges and opportunities abound, we recognize the vital importance of providing robust support to those at the beginning of their journey in education.
Image is of MAE
Each month, our program offers engaging sessions covering a wide range of topics essential for early career educators.

Our program is a comprehensive initiative designed specifically for MAE early career educators. In a career field where challenges and opportunities abound, we recognize the vital importance of providing robust support to those at the beginning of their journey in education. 

Key Features: 

Monthly Sessions: Each month, our program offers engaging sessions covering a wide range of topics essential for early career educators. From pedagogy and classroom management to understanding educational policies and union dynamics, we ensure a holistic approach to professional development. 

Lecture and Hands-on Experience: Our sessions blend traditional lecture-style learning with hands-on experiences. We believe in the power of practical application, allowing educators to not only understand concepts theoretically but also to implement them in real-world scenarios. 

Collaborative Learning: Collaboration is at the heart of our program. We foster an environment where educators can exchange ideas, share best practices, and learn from each other's experiences. Through collaborative efforts, we aim to build a supportive community that empowers educators to thrive. 

Equipping, Preparation, and Support: Our ultimate goal is to equip early career educators with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to succeed. By providing comprehensive support, we aim to increase their confidence, resilience, and likelihood of staying committed to the noble profession of education in Mississippi. 

Image is of President Erica Jones and MAE Members
Our sessions blend traditional lecture-style learning with hands-on experiences. We believe in the power of practical application, allowing educators to not only understand concepts theoretically but also to implement them in real-world scenarios. 
Image is of MAE Members
MAE Member and educator, George Stewart
Image is of MAE Members President Erica Jones,George Stewart and Chasiti Paige Moncuree
President Erica Jones, educator George Stewart, and Capital Unit UniServ Director Chasiti Paige Moncuree
Image is of MAE Members
Our ultimate goal is to equip early career educators with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to succeed. By providing comprehensive support, we aim to increase their confidence, resilience, and likelihood of staying committed to the noble profession of education in Mississippi. 

Whether navigating the intricacies of curriculum development, understanding the legal frameworks of education, or finding ways to advocate for their rights as educators, our program is dedicated to empowering early career educators every step of the way. Complete with a graduation ceremony and participants receiving CEUsf, this year's cohort will end in June. 

Stay tuned for information about next year's cohort; we'd love to see you join this group and grow with us. 


Advocating strong public schools for every student and every public school employee

Mississippi Association of Educators (MAE) represents thousands of Mississippians—educators, students, activists, workers, parents, neighbors, friends—who believe in opportunity for all students and in the power of public education to transform lives and create a more just and inclusive society.