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MAE News

Get ready to build our power!

There’s one thing all Mississippi Association of Educators members have in common. We’re ALL organizers. So what does organizing do for us? It builds our power. We saw that in action most recently at the State Capitol. And, we are not done yet.
Published: April 13, 2022
MAE Group

A team of MAE leaders made the trek to San Diego, CA, April 7 – 10, to take part in the NEA’s Year-Round Organizing conference. They were in trainings seven hours Friday and Saturday and five on Sunday learning the latest techniques on how to build enthusiasm, participation, and, most importantly, the power to make change.

During the conference, Mississippi was recognized repeatedly for our success in achieving a historic pay raise for our teachers and classroom assistants.

“We are grateful to NEA for sponsoring our participation in this important, in-person training event,” Executive Director Antonio Castanon Luna said. “It gave us a chance to hear what works in other states, and tell them what has worked in ours.”

“We left with an increased determination to use our collective power to make the changes our educators, ESPs, communities and families need so desperately,” Castanon Luna said. “We intend to work intensely and strategically to organize our power for change.”

MAE Uniserv Directors Chasiti Paige and Lisa Wilson were presenters for a session entitled “Starting Good Trouble and Winning.” The session was keyed toward learning how NEA Affiliates are organizing, leveraging the American Recovery Plan Act and developing leaders to work with School Boards to create the change needed for our public schools.

Other sessions included “How can my non-bargaining state/local build power?”, “What works to transition Aspiring Educators to New Educators in your state?”, and “Explore Relief from Student Loan Debt and Real Savings with NEA Member Benefits,” among other topics.

The meeting gave MAE folks a chance to collaborate on plans to implement coordinated efforts to recruit and retain members, help new educators navigate the system, and build enthusiasm and energy for our fellow educators. It takes organizing to achieve those goals.

The group departed with a new set of tools and visions on how to move forward with purpose and power.

We’re in this together, and our collective future is bright.

#MAEToday #Organizing #Inthistogether

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Advocating strong public schools for every student and every public school employee

Mississippi Association of Educators (MAE) represents thousands of Mississippians—educators, students, activists, workers, parents, neighbors, friends—who believe in opportunity for all students and in the power of public education to transform lives and create a more just and inclusive society.