Resources for 9-12
Lesson Plans
Memorial Day: Graphing Our History of Sacrifice
Students in grades 3-12 use an online graphing tool to graph the history of America's war dead to understand the significance of Memorial Day.
Americans at War Learning Resources
Includes lesson plans for grades 4-12 students, oral history interviews, first person reenactments, video, and an interactive game in which students examine objects to identity a character from the Civil War.
The Red Badge of Courage: A New Kind of Courage
Following a close reading of Chapter 23 of The Red Badge of Courage, students in grades 9-12 compare it to a more traditional tale of combat. Using their new understanding, students will select one of three published endings best suited to their understanding of Crane's exploration of values in the novel.
Edith Wharton: War Correspondent
Students in grades 9-12 read chapters of Edith Wharton's book, Fighting France, From Dunkerque to Belfort, explore an American correspondent's experiences during World War I, and create their own correspondence report.
Background Resources for Educators
Read Across America Booklist
The books in this list can help young people understand the significance of Memorial Day and the importance of honoring those who have died in service to the United States.
"The First Decoration Day"
A brief description of the May 1st, 1865 Charleston, South Carolina Memorial Day celebration.
The Other Decoration Day Speech
Text of speech given by Frederick Douglass at Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia, on Decoration Day, May 30, 1871
To Appomattox and Beyond: The End of the War and a Search for Meanings
Describes what may be the first Memorial Day celebration in Charleston, South Carolina on May 1st 1865.